Dive/vis reports and dive spaces 2024

Dive/vis reports: The season has begun despite the grey, dreary weather. We began in the Solent, just off Beaulieu, diving with sea grass researchers on Tuesday 16 April and Wednesday 17 April. Visibility, despite the very good neap, was entirely forgetable at less than half a metee. However, the very next day the water had cleared to a much better 2-3 metres, with the water temperature around 10 degrees.

Dive/vis reports: Saturday 4 May and it’s a bright sunny day with a light breeze from the south-east. We headed off to dive the 1872 wreck of the steamer Lapwing in 40 metres. Vis inshore looked very good, but as we headed some miles south of the Needles, we entered the browny/green water, probably coming from the St Catherine’s area. However, continuing south the water cleared again and we arrived on site. Slack came slightly early but everyone entered the water and enjoyed vis of 5-6 metres in ambient light, though a torch was useful. Plankton is throughout the entire water column but not bad, with the water temperature at 11-12 degrees. The good news is that the May water, also known in these parts as black water (because it is so clear it looks black) has come early, perhaps a good indication we might have a good season. Next day, Sunday 5 May, we were diving in Totland Bay, conducting training and safety drills, in particular, practising recovering incapacited divers from the water to the boat. This proved to be a very worthwhile day as everyone learned quite a lot about what to do and what not to do.

Dive spaces. There are 3 spaces available to dive the 1885 wreck of the steamer Messina in 50 metres on Friday 17 May. Contact the organioser, Jay, on depth.hound@googlemail.com. There are 4 spaces available to dive the WW1 steam tanker Wapello in 33 metres on Saturday 25 May. Contact the organiser, Jaki, on wilson.jaki19@sky.com

Dive spaces: Jaki on wilson.jaki19@sky.com is organising dives on Friday 7 June and Friday 28 June. Wreck in 30 metres or less. Please contact her for details.

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